New Year's Eve Casino Royal Book Now, Free Bottle Wine,
12/19/15 8:30 am
Good Morning and Merry Christmas:
If you are short of wine for Christmas Eve, stop in today or tomorrow. Dec. 24th we will be closed.

And happy birthday to my sister Carol, today is the day, and I won't say how old she is but she is more elderly than myself.
I have been busy this week working on our new bar. It took me 3 day to get the oak lumber glued together for the two sections totaling 25 feet of bar top. Next I will take these bar tops to the father/son lumber supplier and get them planed and course sanded. Final sanding I will do. Photos below of the progress.

Last Saturday was our Christmas Thank You, below is a little video of the Litchfield Men's Chorus.
Our numbers are growing for this party, call now. Do make the assumption that we will pull out all the stopper to be sure you are well entertained. (Seeing our guests entertained is our entertainment.) I know that many people wait until Christmas is done before looking at New Year's Eve, just don't forget and miss the party. So call us today on what ever phone you use. Don

The Brick

Mary's favorite phone.

Becoming my favorite phone.
" New Year's Eve"
Thursday Dec. 31st
6 - 10 pm

You are invited to our New Year's Eve
Casino Royale
Entry gets you access to our appetizer buffet for4 hours, two drink chips, plus play money equivalent to another glass of wine.
The games include: But not limited to, Texas Hold'em, 5 Card Draw, Blackjack, Bingo, and STRIP POKER (Costume clothing furnished, your cloths never leave your body!)


Appetizers served 6 - 10 pm.
Vegetable Tray and Dip
Layered Taco Dip
Tortilla Style Chips

BBQ Meatballs
Chicken Salad on Mini Croissants
Assorted Cheese Tray
Assorted Crackers
BBQ Cocktail Weiners
Brownie Bites
Mini Cookies
-Wine Prizes for Best Dressed
-Play Money good to purchase Millner Heritage Wine by glass and bottle.
ice: $25/person plus tax, secure reservations required.
For reservation call 218-329-9356
or email to, include return phone number.

Photo of the Week
time to give away a free bottle of wine.
For a free bottle of wine, what was the background of the photo?
To enter send an email to with the subject line "Very Merry Christmas!"
(Employee and families Millner Heritage exempt.)