June 28th!
Do you recognize this bag? If you bought a case of wine at Millner Heritage Winery in approx. the last two years, you received a bag like this.
As you probably already know this bag always gives you case discount on just buying at least 6 bottles, forever.
This bag is also the entry ticket for two guests for our case club up-coming appreciation party. Don't have a bag? Buy a full case, 12 bottles, at the party and we'll still include you for the party.
June 28th 11:30 - 2:30 pm, with Serving time promptly at 12:30.
The party includes live music, a buffet meal for two served on china with linen, and a glass of wine for each person.
The menu: Baked Chicken, Garlic Mashed with Butter

& Chives, Sliced Carrots, Italian Pasta Salad, & Mini Cheesecakes.
The Banquet, Wine, and Music are all FREE.
We do require that each couple at least fill their bottle bag with six bottles to take home, priced at case discount. That's just 3 bottles per person of your favorite wines.

Seating is limited and RSVP required.
To reserve call Don Millner at 320-237-1958 or email to with the subject line "Free". Include your phone number and number of guests. I will return call to finalize.
Remember, you have to bring your 6-pack bag along to the event to enter. If you have more than one bag, bring another couple. Again remember, don't forget your bottle bag and advanced reservations required. This date is open to everyone with a 6-pack bag regardless of previous parties attended.