11/26/15 9:30 am
Happy Thanksgiving! A little snow is flying, Mary is upstairs preparing for Jon, Anna, and Iza; Scott and McKensey to arrive at noon today for our turkey feed.

I'm interested to ask Iza how the bingo at school went on Wednesday. Tuesday evening she was over and helped me plant grass seed on our back lawn. We had most of the yard re-contoured this fall to allow the rain to run away from the house instead of into the house. She was excited about playing bingo at school. All the grades at the same time and when you win you have to go to the library to get you prize including having to "gobble gobble" all the way there.
Don't forget The Best Black Friday tomorrow. I will be at the winery to help, I am looking forward to this event. Also below is listed our December 12th Christmas Thank you.
This Saturday and Sunday, our music is Just Jerome playing clarinet, saxaphone, keyboard, and voice. Performing a variety of music Genre. Each day 2 - 5 pm.
On behalf of all of us at Millner Heritage, Happy Thanks Giving and hope to see you tomorrow.
Don Millner
Tis the Season to be Jolly! 
Come join us us for
Black Friday, Nov.27th
Stop in for the best part of your Christmas shopping,
the best wine deals anywhere.
1. Double Wine Discounts on 6-packs and Cases, up to 30% off on all cases. (You can fill your case with any variety of your favorites.)
2. Free 5 Wine Tasting!
3. Free Hot Mulled Wine!  
4. Complimentary Millner Heritage Hungarian Meat & Cheese Appetizers!
5. All General Store items at 50% off, Yes!
(That's like a 2 for 1 sale!)
Come and Enjoy.
Millner Heritage Winery 
"Christmas Thank You"
Even if you've been naughty not nice, you can still come to our Christmas Thank You!
Saturday December 12th (Open 11 to 8 pm.)
Free 5 Wine Tasting to All 
Free Mulled Wine, Hot and Spicy
Free Millner Heritage Meat & Cheese Plate Appetizers
All Wine Sales, even a single bottle, at 15%
"The Prairiegrass Band" performing Minnesota Bluegrass 1 - 5 pm
"The Litchfield Area Men's Chorus" performing 
"Christmas Music"approx. m id-afternoon
All Store Items at 60% Discount
Please come and be our guest.
December 12th, 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Again thank you to all from
The Millner Family and Staff.